Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

The Business Impact Analysis (BIA) is performed to identify the key business processes and technology components that would suffer the greatest financial, operational, customer, and/or legal and regulatory loss in the event of a disaster.  The main intent of a BIA is to identify all the critical resources, systems, facilities, records, etc., that are required for the continuity of the business.  Additionally, the time it would take to recover such resources will be identified.

Once the data is collected, an analysis of all requirements, dependencies, and impacts will be completed.  A final report will be developed with recommendations for recovery strategies and presented to senior management.  This will allow the business to determine what recovery strategies and solutions they will implement.

The Business Impact Analysis is only a part of the overall Business Assessment.  A Business Assessment is separated into two constituents, Risk Assessment (RA) and Business Impact Analysis (BIA).  The Risk Assessment is intended to measure present vulnerabilities to the business’s environment, while the Business Impact Analysis evaluates probable loss that could result during a disaster.  To maximize the Business Impact Analysis, a Risk Assessment should also be completed.

Objectives of the Business Impact Analysis

The BIA is used to quantify adverse impacts to the business caused by a loss of business operations (functions/processes).  Based on the level of impact, the appropriate recovery strategy is selected to mitigate these impacts.  Objectives of the Business Impact Analysis include:

  1. Identifies all business processes within each business unit
  2. Determines the financial, customer, operational, legal, and/or regulatory impacts of each process
  3. Establishes the time frames in which business and technology processes must be recovered
  4. Defines key internal and external relationships and dependencies of each process
  5. Identifying the necessary resources that are required for the recovery of each process and their associated recovery time frames
  6. Providing a foundation for the Risk Assessment Process
  7. Educate and obtain participation from individuals who play a critical part in the recovery
  8. Raise awareness throughout the corporation on Continuity Management

Once the assessment is completed, a business can make decisions regarding methods of mitigating risks.  By completing a Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis, a business can implement the best strategies for Business Resumption Planning.

Following BIA template packages are available to suit your needs. Click on the individual template package to view its table of content. To view an actual sample, please feel free to email us at and we will send you a sample for review.

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Sample Text from Documents in Template Suite


This business impact assessment template document is purposely created to identify the key business processes and technology components that would suffer the greatest financial, operational, customer, and/or legal and regulatory loss in the event of a disaster. The main intent of a BIA is to identify all the critical resources, systems, facilities, records, etc., that are required for the continuity of the business. Additionally, the time it would take to recovery such resources will be identified. The following documents are offered to help the business complete the assessment:

  1. Business Impact Analysis Template (both short and long versions)
  2. Application & Data Criticality Template
  3. Final Business Unit Report Template
  4. Final Executive Management Report Template
  5. Examples of Impact

The BIA is used to quantify adverse impacts to the business caused by a loss of business operations (functions/processes). Based on the level of impact, the appropriate recovery strategy is selected to mitigate these impacts.

Table of Contents of Conducting a Business Impact Analysis


  1. Compliance
  2. Scope


  1. Objectives of the Business Impact Analysis
  2. Developing the Project Plan
  3. BIA Process Steps


  1. Scope
  2. Objectives and Deliverables
  3. Method of Collection
  4. Identify People
  5. Interview Order


  1. Information
  2. Process Information
  3. Dependencies
  4. Required Resources
  5. Potential Impact


  1. Application Information
  2. Database Information
  3. Hardware Information
  4. Network Information


  1. Review Business Unit BIA
  2. Follow-Up Meetings
  3. Report the Results


  1. Creation of Executive Report
  2. Presentations



  • Appendix A: Business Impact Analysis Short Template
  • Appendix B: Business Impact Analysis Long Version Template
  • Appendix C: Application & Data Criticality Analysis Template
  • Appendix D: Final Business Unit Report Template
  • Appendix E: Final Executive Report Template
  • Appendix F: Sample BIA Questions
  • Appendix G: Examples of Impacts


Due to many regulatory compliance regulations, the organization must implement Business Impact Analysis, Business Continuity, and Disaster Recovery Planning Practices to make sure the protection of data. In order to carry out this undertaking, there are numerous steps that organization will be implemented to detect critical business functions, processes, and applications that process to safeguard data and to understand the potential impact to the business if a disruptive event occurred.

The first step of implementing the Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Program for the organization is to conduct a Business Impact Analysis. This questionnaire will assist each business unit to detect their critical business functions and recovery requirements in addition to estimating the impact of a disaster (or prolonged outage) to the business unit. Once the survey is completed, the Business Impact Analysis Project team will review the data, analyze and create a prioritized recovery strategy to present to senior management.

For the purpose of this Business Impact Analysis, answer each question based on the “worst-case scenario”. This means your workplace and all records; files and equipment in it are inaccessible. The priority of this questionnaire is to make out any business process or application that at present contains vital data. However, please answer all questions regardless of data status. By completing all questions to the best of your knowledge, a recovery strategy that best meets the need of the business can be established.

A few questions will be directly associated with a specific process whereas other questions are of the business unit in general. Some sections contain an additional “Notes” area to amplify or explain your responses. While this is not an obligation, it can be helpful in serving the Project Team understand the nature of your business unit operations.

Table of Contents: Business Impact Analysis Survey Template



  1. Respondent Information
  2. Business Unit / Department Information
  3. Vital Service Providers
  4. Business Unit Vulnerability
  5. Recovery Complexity


  1. Process Identification
  2. Process Criticality & Frequency
  3. Processing Periods
  4. Process Unavailability Impact
  5. Process Deferrable
  6. Manual Work – Around Procedures for Processes& Alternate Facilities / Work-load shifting
  7. Backlog Work


  1. Internal Received Dependencies (Same Company)
  2. Internal Sent Dependencies (Same Company)
  3. External Received Dependencies (Outside Provider)
  4. External Sent Dependencies (Outside Provider)


  1. Software Resources
  2. Specialized Supplies and Clerical Type Resources
  3. Equipment Resources
  4. Manpower Resources
  5. Reports


  1. Financial Impact
  2. Customer & Operational Impact
  3. Legal & Regulatory Impact

Executive Overview


The purpose of the Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Template was to facilitate organization to make out which business units, operations, and processes are essential to the endurance of the business. The Business Impact Analysis has identified the time frames in which indispensable business operations have to be reinstated to full functionality following a disruptive event. It has identified the business impact of not performing critical business operations based on a worst-case scenario. The BIA has also identified the resources necessary to resume business operations to a functioning level.

A worst-case scenario presumes that the physical infrastructure supporting each individual business unit has been destroyed and all records, equipment, etc are not approachable within 30 days.

The overall objectives for this Business Impact Analysis were to:

  1. Estimate the financial, customer/operation, and legal/regulatory impacts for each major business unit, assuming a worst-case scenario>
  2. Determine the estimated number of personnel required for recovery operations
  3. Identify the critical business functions, business unit processes and the estimated Recovery Time Objective (RTO) for each business unit.
  4. Provide a foundation for implementing Regulatory Compliance Plans.

The RTO is the extremely acceptable time a process can be not working following an outage / disruptive event.

These timeframes may have to be re-evaluated to meet the necessities of the Technology capabilities. If the capabilities of technology do not meet the requirements of the business unit, a gap exists. These gaps must be lessened to prevent extended outages and impact to your organization.

Table of Contents: Executive BIA Finding Report


  1. Objectives
  2. Scope
  3. Approach
  4. Department Responses and Findings



  1. Combined Financial Impact Combined Customer/Operational
  2. Impact Combined Legal and/or Regulatory Impact Recovery Personnel
  3. Requirements& Recovery Time Objectives for Business Processes
  4. Manual Work-Around Processes Work Backlog Processing Recovery
  5. Complexity for Business Units



Location of Department:
Participant: Date of Report:


The interview was conducted by on .

Overview of Business Unit (Department)

The Department is responsible for

Business Processes

Vital Data Information


Internal Dependencies

External Dependencies



The Business Impact Analysis Policy document establishes the activities that need to be implemented by each Business Department, Technology Department, and Corporate Department within the organization.

All departments within the organization must utilize this methodology to identify the processes they perform, the required resources to perform those processes, the timeframes in which those processes need to be recovered, any supporting dependencies, resources, facilities, etc, and the potential financial, operational, and legal/regulatory impact for the processes.

Table of Contents



A. Purpose
B. Scope
C. Ownership Roles & Responsibilities
D. Review Process
E. Reporting Process
F. Update Frequency and Annual Review
G. Approval


A. BIA Completion
B. Business Process Identification
C. Business Process Recovery Time Objective
D. Financial Impact
E. Operational Impact
F. Legal and Regulatory Impact
G. Manual Work-Around Procedures
H. Required Resource


A. Overall RTO for Department
B. Communication
C. Retention of BIA Survey




The intention of the Application and Data Criticality Analysis is to find out the criticality to business associates of all application based components and the probable losses which may perhaps be incurred if these components were not available for a period of time. This questionnaire is designed to collect the information essential to hold up the development of alternative processing strategies, solutions and IS Recovery plans.

The Business Impact Assessment (BIA) should be completed prior to this engagement. The results of the Business Impact Assessment should be used to assess technology requirements based on the business needs.

The questionnaire also serves as a compliance method for meeting the Regulatory Compliance Security Rule requirements for Application and Data Criticality Analysis.

Table of Contents of Applications and Data Criticality Analysis Template




Application Information
Application Specifications
Application Users
Application Service Providers
Application Vulnerability
Application Recovery Plan
Application Recovery History
Application Standard Operating Procedures
Application Source Code and Backup Information
Application Dependencies
Application Data Reconstruction


Database Information
Database Service Providers
Database Vulnerability
Database Recovery Complexity
Database Recovery Information
Database Recovery History
Database Standard Operating Procedures
Database Backup Information
Database Backup Tape Information


Hardware Information
Hardware Environment Information
Hardware Service Providers
Hardware Vulnerability
Hardware Recovery Complexity
Hardware Recovery Plan
Hardware Recovery History
Hardware Backup Information
Hardware Backup Tape Information


Network Equipment Requirements
Network Service Providers
Network Vulnerability
Network Recovery Complexity
Network Recovery Plan
Network Recovery History
Network Standard Operating Procedures

Note: We offer 7 days money-back guarantee to all USA companies. If you purchased templates without seeing samples and you are dissatisfied with our product, you will receive a full refund if you cancel your purchase & return the product within 7 days of buying the templates.

Business Impact Analysis Template Packages:

Following Business Impact Analysis templates packages are available to suit your needs. Click on the individual template with a link to view its table of content.

Package 5: Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Package with Policies and Applications & Data Criticality Analysis Bundle
Top Sellers

  1. Conducting a Business Impact Analysis Guide (23 pages)
  2. Long Version Business Impact Analysis Template (21 pages)
  3. Example of Completed Long Version BIA (24 pages)
  4. Short Version Business Impact Analysis Template (6 pages)
  5. Example of Completed Short Version BIA (4 pages)
  6. Final BIA Executive Management Report Templates w/ Charts (32 pages)
  7. Final Business Unit Report Template w/ Charts (11 pages)
  8. Example Final Executive Management Report (40 pages)
  9. Example Final Business Unit Report (8 pages)
  10. Business Impact Analysis Policy (12 pages)
  11. Business Impact Analysis Standard (14 pages)
  12. Policy & Standards Instructions (3 pages)
  13. Applications and Data Criticality Analysis Template  (24 pages)
  14. Example of Completed Application and Data Criticality Analysis Template (39 pages)

Cost: $270
Buy Business Impact Analysis Template Now


Package 4: Business Impact Analysis Bundle Complete Package with Policies (Click here for More Details….)

  1. Conducting a Business Impact Analysis Guide (23 pages)
  2. Long Version Business Impact Analysis Template (21 pages)
  3. Example of Completed Long Version BIA (24 pages)
  4. Short Version Business Impact Analysis Template (6 pages)
  5. Example of Completed Short Version BIA (4 pages)
  6. Final BIA Executive Management Report Templates w/ Charts (32 pages)
  7. Final Business Unit Report Template w/ Charts (11 pages)
  8. Example Final Executive Management Report (40 pages)
  9. Example Final Business Unit Report (8 pages)
  10. Business Impact Analysis Policy (12 pages)
  11. Business Impact Analysis Standard (14 pages)
  12. Policy & Standards Instructions (3 pages)

Cost: $210
Buy Business Impact Analysis Bundle Package Now

Microsoft Project Templates for Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

Package 1: Microsoft Project Templates for Enterprise Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning including BIA and Risk Assessment.

Price: $99

Buy Microsoft Project Templates Now


To view a specific section of this document, please contact us at or call us at (515) 865-4591.

To buy individual template packages, visit the following links:


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